Project 4 / Identity explorations

First of all, there is about a 4.5 second delay from the app to the server...

Now pertaining to identity...

Overall, I think it's important that we preserve the aesthetic that QR codes already provide. We have to keep in mind that our work is going to be mixed in with a ton of other work, so there is a chance where our work can be looked over if they are too abstracted. The codes can be applied in playful ways, but it's important that they look like QR codes and people know what to do with them.

Although QR codes are supposedly common, I think it's still important to provide simple signage for those who are unfamiliar to engage. People are mainly there to view the artwork, which could possibly cause them to look over the codes or not get the clue right away.

Senior Profiles:
I think the QRs with valuable information, such as the senior profiles, should be treated in such a way where they have their own identity. They should be easily seen and easily accessible. EX: mounted on foam core and placed next to work or somewhere in the area.

QR codes already have a unique identifiable look. Therefore, I think typographic elements should mimic the aesthetics of QR codes to preserve the integrity of our concept.

The placement of QRs that don't necessarily contain "valuable" information, but more for play, should utilize obscuration. The element of trial and error and chance can be engaging. Consider perspective and layers.

Project 4 / QR collage idea!

Huge QR code outside of 8th floor bathrooms.

When scanned from a distance, message urging viewer to come closer appears and introduces instructions.

Giant QR code is a collage made up of smaller QR codes. 

The objective is to find the "star" (or some other object, perhaps a animated .gif of a dancing monkey?), kind of like Where's Waldo. When the star is found, printer prints out cool mini poster (or something). Fails say "try again, hot, cold, or some facts related to graphic design"?

Add code to web page that activates printer. Prints can be black toner on cool, fluorescent paper. Prints can be mini posters? designed paper airplanes? cool graphic design origami?

Project 4 / initial sketches

MISSING CEILING TILES: A few ceiling tiles can be taken out. Lights can be inputted above and triggered by proximity? or maybe by pressure sensor mats on the ground? Lights can glow brighter and change color. Maybe even flicker when standing under them? Tiles can be taken out to form shapes? Tiles = pixels?

DOORS TO NOWHERE: Projections of humorous/startling actions can be projected?

FLOOR STRINGS: Projections of strings can be on the floor. Using computer vision, strings can move according to the movement of people's feet. Strings can get tangled around feet? change color? ripple? be plucked and make sound? Possibly even respond to sounds, vibrations?

SEO Project / Phase 1

Initial ideas for interaction within space

somehow control projections or lights on windows from outside. windows = pixels

 user can interact with four sides of the box. rotating projection to read information?

people can interact with a projection of strings/particles on the floor. projector can be parallel with floors to project on their surfaces.

can simply have something projected on them. when people walk by, projection reacts to the movement of their legs

the glass cases are see-through from all four sides. This can be an opportunity for multiple people to interact with a projection inside.

a large projection on top of gym can be controlled with an interface on windows? text messages from phones appear on roof? or keyboards alongside windows to type messages that appear on roof. or multiple people can control different parts of an image?

large object can be tiled using multiple computer screens. object responds to movements seen by webcams?

backsides of stairs are visible when going both up and down. projection of map or some kind of information about show

there are a bunch of classroom windows as you roam the halls. a rendering/silhouette of a person can be projected on these windows. when people walk by, projection responds some how. maybe immitates motion of person?

Project3 / Prototyping

Drilled a hole.
 I bent the prong things back. Nice slit for the antenna to fit in.
 Fortunately, the spot that I drilled had a little compartment for the pot to chill in. It fits pretty snug when it's bolted in. I will most likely use hot glue for reinforcement.
 For now, I'm using the former antenna housing as a tunnel for the wiring. For the final, I'll probably take out the audio-in jack in the back and have the wires go through there instead.


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