Project 3 / Phase 1 (Refined)

Truth is Obscured by the Media

My plan is to create an interactive TV which reveals my opinion on the role the media plays in our society. The user will be able to navigate the interface using the TV's antenna (which a potentiometer is embedded in) and the output will be on the TV's screen.

The media is selective. Once something is presented through the media, its original meaning is lost and repurposed. The obscuration process of the media allows its output to be interpreted in many different ways. Pure truth becomes difficult to find.

On a TV, the antenna is used for a clearer reception; for clarity. I am using this relationship as my mean of navigation for the user to uncover my message: "TRUTH IS OBSCURED BY THE MEDIA".

My interface, built in flash, will consist of six "buttons" that represent each word of my message. When the button is selected (using the antenna to roll over them), a video clip of each word is spelled out in unconventional ways. Some letters will be mouthed, some in morse code, some charaded, and some in sign language. This will happen every time a button is selected. It is up to the user to decode the obscured words.

However, upon "rollover", a legible clip of the entire message will flash for a split second prior to each video clip. As a result, if the user adjusts the antenna smoothly and quickly, they will be able to see the entire message as they scroll through each button. Antenna = clarity.

I've also considered some visual aids for the user. Before entering the interface, an animation of the antenna being cranked will be on screen to inform the user about how to activate it. A "nav-bar" showing all six buttons will also be present on every clip. The active button will be highlighted. Also, a quick loading animation will play prior to every clip so the user will know that they transitioned over to the next one.

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